The A, B, C's of T'ai Chi Benefits
Adaptability. Attunement. Arthritis relief.

Balance. Breathing. Bones strengthened (weight bearing exercise). Blood pressure normalized.

Circulation (blood, energy) enhanced. Continuous, fluid movement. Coordination. Concentration. Centering. Confidence.

Different from standard Western movement therapy. Dancelike. "Aids Digestion."

Energy modulation. Endorphin releasing.

Flexibility. Focus. Fun.

Good feeling.

Health promoting. Heart strengthening. (Advanced level practice of Chen T'ai Chi is aerobic exercise).

Interesting. Immunity enhancing.

Joints lubricated.

Kinks worked out.

Legs strengthened. Lung capacity increased. Lymphatic system function enhanced.

Muscles throughout the body activated. Moving meditation. Massage of internal organs.

Neuromuscular repatterning. Nerves calmed.

Oxygenation of blood.

Parasympathetic "rest and repose" effect. Patience. Perseverance developed.

Recreation. Rhythmic. Refinement of senses. Rehabilitation.

Stability, Strength developed. Sensitivity training. Self defense. Stress release.

Timless "being in the moment."

Uplifting. Unilateral weight bearing with constant shifting of weight.

Variation of movement, intensity, pace. Vitalizing.

Weight bearing exercise. Weight management.

Xtra benefits unique to you.

Yin and Yang made practical.

Zest for life.